All I have to say is: goodbye Starbucks, hello Tassimo. With your little cups of goodness and your streamlined physique, able to be crammed in next to the fridge, you shall save me from my Starbucks addiction, oh wondrous Tassimo!
After much highly un-academic research, I’ve come to the conclusion that the Tassimo
is superior to the Keurig
because of the wider variety of drinks and brands associated with it. Basically, it makes Chai lattes. That’s all I need to know. Anyways, the Tassimo is now officially in second place on my Christmas list.
First place goes to the amazing Surrealist painting my stepfather painted this summer. It’s beautiful, full of vibrant oranges and blues. I’ve already cleared a space for it on my wall.
Here’s another one of his paintings. I succeeded in prying it from his steely grip earlier this year:
He’s definitely the artist in the family. I paint with acrylics and draw. My style is very basic and folk-arty. That's the kind of stuff I love, obviously. Mexican folk art is my favorite.
Frida was also inspired by folk art. She was capable of drawing photo realistically, but purposefully chose a more primitive style. She often studied medical manuals and handbooks. I know this because I’m halfway through the Herrera
biography. Frida even considered a career as a medical illustrator. It shows in her artwork, the fetuses and anatomical hearts. I, on the other hand, am not artistically equipped beyond the realm of primitive folk art. Perhaps I’ll post some photos if I feel particularly confident one day.
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