Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Hello Bunnies!

People think witchcraft is very mystical and mysterious but the principles of spell casting are the same principles found in many self-help books. Anyone who has read the latest in self-help advice knows about the law of attraction. Spell casting works the same way. The simplest spell is a candle spell. It's a basic way of focusing and putting your intention out into the universe.

Basic Candle Spell

Take a candle in the color of your intention (red=love, black=banishing, green=money, etc) and carve a symbol of that intention into it (heart=love, X=banishing, $=money, etc.)

Anoint the candle with oil (rose=love, myrrh=banishing, mint=money, etc) and light it.

Envision your intention coming to fruition.

Let the candle burn all the way down or snuff it out and dispose of it.

Tip: if you want something to go away, do the spell on a full moon. If you want to bring something to you, do the spell on a new moon. You could also repeat it nightly for a full moon phase, either full moon to new moon (banishing), or new to full (attracting/gaining). 


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