Tuesday, November 9, 2010

My Hopeless Starbucks Addiction

            It’s officially November, despite my pleading with the weather gods for it to be October all year round. The holidays are upon us! This means several things to me (mistletoe, anatomically correct gingerbread men, copious amounts of booze in the a.m.), but most importantly, it marks the beginning of my seasonal Starbucks addiction.
            I can resist the call of those sexy, caffeine-pushing mermaids in the summer. Mostly. Except for iced Chai lattes. BUT as soon as the holidays come around, those brilliant, coffee-swilling bastards bring out a rainbow of festive, candy-topped drinks. This is my downfall. Pumpkin spice lattes, salted caramel hot chocolate, crème brule lattes, gingerbread lattes, eggnog lattes…. *coffeegasm*
            I’d write more… but I have to go to Starbucks now.
            Damn it.



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