Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Witches on Wednesday

Witches, originally uploaded by ˙Cаvin 〄.

Hello Bunnies!

People think witchcraft is very mystical and mysterious but the principles of spell casting are the same principles found in many self-help books. Anyone who has read the latest in self-help advice knows about the law of attraction. Spell casting works the same way. The simplest spell is a candle spell. It's a basic way of focusing and putting your intention out into the universe.

Basic Candle Spell

Take a candle in the color of your intention (red=love, black=banishing, green=money, etc) and carve a symbol of that intention into it (heart=love, X=banishing, $=money, etc.)

Anoint the candle with oil (rose=love, myrrh=banishing, mint=money, etc) and light it.

Envision your intention coming to fruition.

Let the candle burn all the way down or snuff it out and dispose of it.

Tip: if you want something to go away, do the spell on a full moon. If you want to bring something to you, do the spell on a new moon. You could also repeat it nightly for a full moon phase, either full moon to new moon (banishing), or new to full (attracting/gaining). 


Witchy Wednesdays

Neighbourhood Witch, originally uploaded by garethfw.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tuna Monster Tuesday!!!

Happy Tuna Monster Tuesday Bunnies!

Today's Tuna monster:

The Elvis aka Mr. Elvis Monkey Boo

Likes: Face scrubbies

Dislikes: Being denied the hairbrush

Interesting: Digging to China

Identifiable Markings: Pink toe pads and general ginger appearance

Habits: Demands to be carried around like a baby

I present Tuna Monster Elvis:

Monday, February 21, 2011

What Do You Believe?

Happy Monday Bunnies!

Decide what you believe. Right now. Live your life by your beliefs. Not religious necessarily, but your personal system of what you believe in. If you're in your twenties this is the perfect time. If you gain any wisdom by your 30th birthday it should be who you are and what you believe in... or so I'm told.

Here are a few of my beliefs:

“Redemption Song” can turn a bad day around.
Oscar Wilde quotations are the truth.
Happiness is difficult.
Frida Kahlo is my guardian angel.
A little witchcraft goes a long way.
If Anne Bolen were alive today, she’d rule the world.
Nashville seems like a nice place to live.
Everyone is trying too hard and it shows.
Lisa Simpson saved my life.
Creating is happiness.
Everything will be ok.
Sexuality can’t be categorized.
I agree with Marilyn Manson.
Seafoam is the color of joy.
If I were a Shakespeare character, Cadbury creme eggs would be my tragic flaw.
Wednesday Addams is the coolest.
Cats are little furry ambassadors of ridiculousness.
“There is something in October sets the gypsy blood astir”
If heaven exists, it is full of animals.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Romany Caravan on Horkstow Road

A Few Words On Gratitude

Be grateful. Don't wait for something big to happen. Just be grateful for all the little things. Here's my list:

I'm grateful for the Betsey Johnson fashion show! It streamed live over the internet and I could watch it from my living room! Plus, the second half of the show featured non-models of all shapes and sizes and with an overflow of attitude. Go to Betsey Johnson's website to see the archived show!

I'm grateful for a Simpson-ized Frida painting!!!!!

I'm grateful for my fiance! He braves the snowy, icy, Canadian winter to fetch me chocolate from the corner store (which I proceed to eat like Marie Antoinette eats Laduree macarons!) 

So be grateful and happy bunnies! It's Friday, the world can't be so cruel!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Witchy Wednesdays: An Introduction

Happy Wednesday!

I thought we'd incorporate some witchy bedevilments into Frida Therapy. After all, if you saw Frida walking down the street, you'd probably think she was a witch. She was tres bewitching. How do say bewitching en francais??? But I digress....

I've been a practicing witch for over ten years. Under the big Pagan umbrella, I fall into the category of Kitchen Witch. This basically means that I believe in using what's available to me and I see my home as a safe place to do magic. I also don't believe in spelling the word magic "magick" because I think it's pretentious (go to any pagan message board if you want know more about "The Great ‘Magick’ Debacle.")  

If you've ever been in the bookstore, flipping through a spell book and thinking, "Where the hell am I supposed to get the fur from a young wolf?!" there are two answers:

1. You can get naturally shedded wolf hair at the Hex website. They're in Salem and the hair is gathered from a wolf habitat. 

2. Fuck that! 

Here’s what you need to know about magic (what I wish somebody told me when I was starting out):

Magic is all about intention.

Everything has a magical vibration and can be used in a spell.

Write your own spells, they are more powerful.

Use things you gravitate toward. A spell calls for peanut butter and you’re allergic? That’s not a good thing. Use something else. (By the way, peanut butter is used for money spells. You can substitute pretty much any vegetable or herb that’s green, the color of money.)

Nothing bad will happen as long as your intention is good. If you screw something up, maybe your spell won’t work but that’s about it.

This week, try writing your own spell. Incorporate things you love: apples, rubies, cinnamon, the color yellow, a picture of Johnny Depp. Whatever. Need to know the magical meaning of a color or herb? Google it. It will take you 5 minutes tops.

Here’s an example:

I want to do a love spell. I know (or have learned from google) that apples are used in love spells. Bonus points if the apple is red, the color of love. So I eat the apple while saying in my head, “As I eat this apple, I bring love into my life.” That’s it. It took me about 3 minutes to write.

Your turn bunnies!  


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

It's Tuna Monster Tuesday!

Hello Bunnies!
We're starting a tradition at Frida Therapy. This is the very fist Tuna Monster Tuesday! It will be a weekly post featuring my little monsters. Today's monster: Le Mort

Le Mort a.k.a Sergeant Mortimer Fuzzy Boots
Likes: Tuna
Dislikes: Nomming the cheap ass dry food
Interests: Beeping into your ear at night... Meep! Meep!
Identifiable Markings: One white toe
Habits: Severe tape measure obsession

I present Tuna Monster Mort:

Shhh... He thinks it's a real mouse.

Making my life difficult.

He makes beds out of sinks.

Exhibit B.

This concludes our weekly session. 

Bye-Bye Bunnies!

Monday, February 14, 2011


Much love and affection to all of my readers! You're my favourite little bunnies!


Happy Monday!

Hello My Lovelies!

We're going to try something new at Frida Therapy Headquarters. Something called Routine and Structure. They seem vaguely familiar but we are not formally acquainted. Stay tuned to this space for the next week and see the birth of some weekly traditions.

I'm happy to say that it's only Monday and already my entire week has been MADE! The stars collided in my living room last night. Two of my favorite things in the world combined in an epic moment of awesomeness:

A Frida Kahlo painting has been Simpson-ized.

As if that weren’t fabulous enough, the painting shares screen time with my little starfish-headed idol, Lisa Simpson.

In the episode titled “Girls Just Want to Have Sums,” Springfield Elementary is split to separate the boys from the girls. On her first day of girls only education, Lisa walks through the door and into a bright pink wonderland of all things girly. Lining the walls are paintings by feminist artists including Georgia O’Keefe and FRIDA KAHLO! The painting they chose to animate is “Self Portrait With Monkey” from 1938 and it looks fantastic. Plus, it’s really touching to have two of my idols in one scene. I may have teared up a little. The episode originally aired on April 30th 2006 but I saw it for the first time last night. It’s officially made my week. The happiness I get from seeing Frida and Lisa together is borderline insane!

What are you looking forward to this week?


Monday, February 7, 2011

Simpson Episodes That Will Make You Cry


Mother Simpson
When Homer’s mother comes back into his life he is overjoyed. Sadly, she has to abandon him again. They say their goodbyes and Homer sits alone on the hood of his car contemplating the night sky. It’s one of the loneliest, saddest Simpson’s moments. I cried right through the credits.

And Maggie Makes Three
Bart and Lisa ask Homer why there are no photos of Maggie, prompting Homer to tell the story of her birth. Homer’s life is ruined when Marge becomes pregnant with Maggie. He’s realized his dream of working at the bowling alley but because of the financial strain of another child, he has to beg Mr. Burns for his job back. Mr. Burns puts up a sign that says “Don’t forget: you’re here forever” on Homer’s desk just to rub in how miserable the rest of his life will be. Then Maggie is born and he falls instantly in love with her. This is when we see what happened to Maggie’s baby pictures: Homer hung them up over Burns’ sign so that some of the letters are blocked out. The ones that remain read “Do it for her.”  It’s so beautifully touching that I just teared up writing this paragraph.

Lisa the Vegetarian
Lisa decides to become a vegetarian and nobody respects her newfound beliefs, especially Homer, who throws a barbeque complete with pig roast. They have a huge fight and she runs away only to meet Paul McCartney who explains to her that she needs to respect the beliefs of other people as well as herself. She meets Homer on the street and they apologize to each other. Then, in one of the sweetest father-daughter moments EVER, Homer offers Lisa a “veggie-back ride.” I cried and cried. For my innocence and my childhood and my relationship with my father. Truly touching.

Bart the Mother
Bart is pressured by Nelson to shoot a bird with a BB gun and ends up killing a mommy bird. Marge is so disappointed she can’t even look at him. So Bart takes the bird’s eggs home out of guilt and shame and desperately tries to keep them safe in his treehouse. Marge notices all the time he’s spending up there and thinks he’s up to something. When she realizes that Bart’s trying to save the babies, she tells him she’s so proud of him and they both take care of the eggs together. Despite the fact that lizards hatch from the eggs, not birds, it’s still one of the greatest mother-son moments in television history. Never mind the fact that Marge reminds me so much of my mom and Bart reminds me so much of my brother. Plus, the whole animal dying factor. I saw this when I was 11 and it really affected me. Even now, 12 years later I still get choked up thinking about it.

The Squirt and The Whale
This is the episode that prompted me to write this list. It’s a newer episode and I saw it for the first time last week. Lisa tries to save a beached whale. She asks Homer for help and he enthusiastically tells her it will all be ok only to have Marge caution him that, “these things don’t end well. You can’t get her hopes up.” But Lisa’s hopes are sky high as she stares into the huge eyes of this beautifully animated blue whale, who she names Bluella. They try to push her back into the ocean all day but nothing works. Lisa falls asleep on the beach beside her. When she wakes up, the coast guard is hauling Bluella out to sea. Lisa watches as the whale dives and jumps out of the water with joy. Suddenly, Bluella jumps out of the water and begins to swim in the stars, floating weightless in the night sky. That’s when Lisa wakes up. It was all a dream. She looks over a Bluella and realizes that the whale is dead. DEAD. I’m an animal lover and I have so much empathy for people who love animals. Plus, Lisa Simpson is very dear to my heart. She was my role model as a child and I’ve actually said to people, “Everything I know, I learned from Lisa Simpson.” Needless to say, I heaved huge, wracking sobs that I tried in vain to hide from my fiancé. I couldn’t stop crying. I was tearing up for the rest of the night. Then, the next day I was in the shower and I thought about it, only to start crying again. And yes, I am crying right now as I type this.

A big thank-you to everyone who works on The Simpsons for having so much heart.