Tuesday, February 15, 2011

It's Tuna Monster Tuesday!

Hello Bunnies!
We're starting a tradition at Frida Therapy. This is the very fist Tuna Monster Tuesday! It will be a weekly post featuring my little monsters. Today's monster: Le Mort

Le Mort a.k.a Sergeant Mortimer Fuzzy Boots
Likes: Tuna
Dislikes: Nomming the cheap ass dry food
Interests: Beeping into your ear at night... Meep! Meep!
Identifiable Markings: One white toe
Habits: Severe tape measure obsession

I present Tuna Monster Mort:

Shhh... He thinks it's a real mouse.

Making my life difficult.

He makes beds out of sinks.

Exhibit B.

This concludes our weekly session. 

Bye-Bye Bunnies!

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