Monday, December 13, 2010

Holiday Cocktails!!!

Is it wrong to buy liquor according to what little bottle comes attached to the big bottle? Nothing says Christmas like free stuff with your alcohol. If you’re trying to stretch a buck or you’re too lazy to put together a varied bar menu, here is a tip for holiday cocktails:

 Just buy one bottle.

Pick something. Anything. I suggest spiced rum. One bottle of spiced rum can make three different festive cocktails:

Rum and eggnog
Rum and cranberry ginger ale
Rum and apple cider (mulled or not)

If you want to get fancy, you can also buy some Baileys and add to your menu:

Baileys and coffee
Baileys and hot chocolate
Baileys on ice (blended or not)

Easy. Done. Add whipped cream. Everything’s better with whipped cream…

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