Thursday, December 2, 2010

Why Pausing DVD’s Makes Me Feel Guilty

           I often feel guilty when I pause a dvd. “Why?” you ask. Well… have you ever noticed that when you press ‘pause’, the actor onscreen is inevitably frozen into some kind of weird facial expression? Like, their mouth is gaped open mid-word and one eye is closed and the other one is kinda half open and they vaguely resemble some kind of zombie? I ALWAYS feel bad. Why? Because I’m unbelievably neurotic and probably need to see a therapist, but also because those poor actors went through hours of makeup and wardrobe tests only to have their looks ruined by a rogue freeze-frame.
Nowhere is this more evident than when I watch Sex and the City dvds. I always freeze an episode to pee or fuel my Diet Coke addiction, and poor little SJP (that’s Sarah Jessica Parker to those of you unschooled in SATC shorthand) is always frozen into some kind of morbid pose. I always think, “ooooh, sorry SJP, that’s really not an attractive look for you.”
Anyone else feel the same? Just me?


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